Saturday, May 2, 2009

What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962)

Bette Davis and Joan Crawford play sisters who used to be famous movie stars.  Bette Davis plays Jane who used to be known as "Baby Jane".  She was the Shirley Temple of her time, but people have long since forgotten about her.  Joan Crawford plays her sister, Blanch.  After the success her sister had, Blanch decided to get into pictures.  She became the most famous A list actress.  At the highest point of Blanch's career, she is in a car accident causing her to be paralyzed for the rest of her life.  

All of these incidents happened in the past and the movie then takes place in present day.  Jane has become a shriveled up, old hag who must take care of her sister.  She treats Blanch like crap because she is convinced that her career was ruined by her.  If Blanch never became an actress, then Jane would have remained the star of the family.  The rest of the film focuses on the crazy things Jane does to torture Blanch.  She tortures Blanch relentlessly.  The movie has a twist ending that I won't spoil, but it is a real shocker!

Bette Davis is incredible in this movie.  It is hard to believe that she was ever a beautiful movie star because she is so ugly and disgusting in this movie.  The scene that really shows off her versatility is when she calls the drugstore on the telephone.  She wants to buy alcohol, but she can only do it with Blanch's permission.  She knows Blanch will not agree to this, so she puts on an act, pretending to be Blanch.  It was incredible to watch her in this scene.  What is really great about Davis' performance is you really understand why Jane is crazy and such a horrible person.  You are able to witness what goes on inside her mind.  She is living in the past, when she used to be a star.  You actually start to feel bad for her.  

My favorite part of the film involved Blanch's lunches.  Since Blanch can not walk, Jane has to bring up her food.  When Blanch starts to eat her lunch, she sees that her dead pet bird is served on the platter.  Whenever Jane brings her food from that point on, she is hesitant to eat it.  There is so much tension built to find out what crazy thing Jane had done this time to her lunch.

This movie is great in every aspect.  It has wonderful direction, music, cinematography, but what makes the movie the masterpiece that it is, is the incredible acting job from Bette Davis and Joan Crawford.

A  I recommend it.

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